Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Let There Be Flowers

The world is suddenly bursting with booms. The daffs are fading rapidly, but the tulips are out, and the forget-me-nots are arriving. And don't forget the dandelions.

However, these pics were all taken indoors, all but the first at the garden centre. The first is of one of the flowers on one of Sue's bouquets. I don't know the names of any of the flowers. lol

Finally, my favourite of the group.


  1. I'd have to say my favorite is the first. Love the angles and depth of your photos, as always.

  2. Great capture of all those nice spring colors. I wish they stayed that healthy when you bring them home to plant!

  3. Wonderful photos ! Yes and today here mother nature is giving us her rainy nectar from the sky's for my flowers I planted in our gardens over the weekend and the birdies are singing with joy as it rains ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  4. just gorgeous! i see these as greeting cards. :)

  5. Wonderful shots. So glad I found you.

  6. I think they are marguerites or something similar, at least that is what we would say in the Netherlands. But I usually stick to pink and purple flowers. Works fine!

  7. I don't think it Matters what they are...I call them Gorgeous Shots!

  8. All are beautiful, but the exposure in that first shot is exquisite! The last shot reminds me of my zinnias, one of my favorite flowers.

  9. What's in a name, when they all look gorgeous anyway? :-)

  10. Oh yes, Spring has definitely sprung! So nice to see colour... I was so fed up with ice and snow, greys and blacks and browns. Lovely colours in themselves, but now I need pinks and yellows and purples. Yay Spring!

  11. YES! How wonderful to see all these blossoms!

  12. These are gorgeous. The first is my favorite. It reminds me a little of Danica's ballet recital dress.
