For fear of prurient voyeurs flocking here and being bitterly disappointed, I wouldn't put it in the title, in fact I won't even put it in the body of the post, but there is a
V3ry W3ird E3r3ction just around the corner from our place. After the pad had been poured for some sort of building or other, one might have expected the outer frame to be built. But no, great diligence was paid to building what certainly appears to be an interior wall.

A neighbour told me that it's a firewall between what will become two commercial places, but neither me, myself nor I have ever seen the like of it.
Nor have I. Neither would I like to stand under it. What keeps it from falling over in a stiff wind?
ReplyDeleteThis is very strange.
ReplyDeleteLOVE DI
I am like Barry. Hope it doesn't land on one of the other buildings. All that work for naught. Be sure and walk on the other side of the street.
So, what are they going to put up next: the roof?
ReplyDeleteCripes, have the builders never heard of high winds?
ReplyDeleteYep, that is some strange.
My first thought was a directional sign for all the Canadian geese flying down here. ;)
ReplyDeleteNor I. But I never saw a horsefly either.
ReplyDeleteIt is a strange way to built a building. The builders must pray every night there are no high winds. I am surprised safely officials don't require bracing.
ReplyDeleteWas it prefabed on the ground and then stood up. It appears to have wood attached to the side in the shape of a further roof.
You know, you are now going to have to give us periodic updates in picture form.
I hope the project does not turn into a white elephant. That would be quite an eyesore over time.