Monday, November 09, 2009

Making Ready

SillySIL was kind enough to offer to change our tires this weekend. Although I'd like to think that we won't actually need winter tired for a few weeks yet, it doesn't hurt to be prepared. However, although we don't have a trailer, we, nevertheless, ran in to a few hitches. To wit: his jack wouldn't lift our van high enough to get the wheel of the ground and neither would his neighbour's (the other guy in the photo below). The dog couldn't figure it out either.

Help eventually arrived in the form of the neighbour's friend, but then we faced yet another hitch, for one of our winter tires had a very fine screw nicely embedded into the rubber. So, off AC went to Canadian Tire with his tire in SillySIL's car where he had to wait for a little longer than he would have liked to get it repaired.

However, the car is ready for winter. AC isn't, but Harriet the Chariot is.


  1. Harriet the Chariot! How on earth did you think of that? I must have a think now about what to call my bike or my coach.
    Glad you are ready for winter though. Well, your Harriet. Hopefully you will be soon as well.

  2. Thank goodness you got the screw in the tire...Out! Not a Good thing to have in ones tire!!
    Happy day Ac!hughugs

  3. I too readied my car for winter as one never knows when a blizzard will hit Alberta....better be safe than sorry......:-) Hugs
