Saturday, April 20, 2019

She's a Charmer

As you already know, because I keep posting about it, Danica celebrated her 12th birthday with us yesterday. The real party will be today when her brave mother will have a bunch of girls over for pizza, whatnot, and a sleepover. But the kids still love their grandparents, and we had our little, understated gathering with presents, cake and Chinese takeaway yesterday.

Aside: I told Sue this morning that I must have Chinese every night now because I actually slept for 8 hours last night AND only had to get up once during the night. Both are some kind of record

Back to the narrative. I took many pics, this time with my little compact camera. I seldom use it, but it's small size plus its built-on flash work well in tight quarters. It's actually a very decent compact camera. I wouldn't say top-of-the-line but it does trend to the higher end.

But I am not going to report on the whole party, not right now anyway. For this post, I am going to stick with candids of Danica turning on the charm at the drop of a hat when the camera turns on her. Needless to say I find this charming and delightful. I don't know anyone who can do it to this extent.