Ooooh, my aching legs! Yesterday, I decided to plant spring bulbs. I had meant to to do this little thing for four years now, but, come October, I always forget my good intentions. This year I had it on Google Calendar for Oct 01, and the folks over there were nice enough to remind me via email. What a great bunch!
But to get the bulbs in, about 90 in all, I had to clear many patches of petunias that had grown willy nilly all over the garden that I had planted earlier this summer. This has confirmed my intention that there will be no petunias next year; if I have to plant something else to fill in around the perennials that will be the backbone of next year's garden, I'll find another more compact plant. Not that petunias aren't pretty, but I think they need to be in their own bed.
So ... I did an awful lot of bending and squatting for several hours yesterday, and today my old muscles are paying a dear price. (Actually, it's not today when you read this but two days ago. We have gone to the cottage for a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving. I hope that we get a bit of sunlight to light those autumn colours, but the forecast doesn't look promising, and it is tending to rain umpteen times daily lately.)
I also performed the final (I think and trust) mowing of the lawn. Growth has been slow lately, so I don't think I'll have to mow again until about May.
Enjoy the weekend wherever you may be, but especially if you are Canadian and consuming a copious quantity of turkey. Personally, I plan make like a Thanksgiving turkey and get stuffed. But I would never tell you to get stuffed. How could you think such a thing of dear AC?

That's the garden as it stands now. You can see that it's in decline, but in fairness, I have also hacked out many petunias (or parts thereof). Visible in the rear of the front garden are the three Echinacea that I hope will bloom their little hearts out next year: along with other perennials that you can't see in the photo.
(Previous pictures of garden beginings and flourishings)
So, AC--if you meant to publish this two days from now, does that mean that your muscles do hurt now, or don't but will two days hence? Oh, I am getting confused--your aching muscles are giving me a headache.
Hope you feel better.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thoughts of winter are almost upon us here. A friend is coming by over the weekend to size up my garden for use next year. If all goes well, I will have a tended-to garden plot out of which I get to share the fruits of, well, someone else's labour!
ReplyDeleteThere's something about gardening that satisfies the soul, isn't there?
Excuse me... "out of which"? Should that not be "from which"?
I'd actually prefer "sandwich".
A/C Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you and Cuppa have a wonderful time.
ReplyDeleteWe already have had a dusting of snow this morning and more on the way tonight and tomorrow.
I always plan on planting bulbs in Oct. but haven't done it yet.
Take care.....:-) Hugs
Great to see how your garden is evolving.
ReplyDeleteI was busy the other day filling in some micro cracks in our driveway (prior to waiting for a warm dry day to put some sealer on it), and know how your legs must feel!
I share your "Ouch!"
Enjoy your thanksgiving weekend. I think your garden is still looking pretty good. Our lawn might get another cut before we finish for the winter.
ReplyDeleteWell AC I am certainly impressed with your gardening skills! I sure wish that my hubby would take an interest! He like you is waiting for the last mow!
ReplyDeleteHope you are less sore by now, but I think your hard work will pay off!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours AC! Love Di
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
ReplyDeleteSo, when I'm reading this will it be Thursday or Saturday and will you be in pain on Wednesday or should that be Sunday.
ReplyDeleteMonday is laundry day, Wednesday is meatloaf day, Friday is fish day, I will be off on Tuesday and I am completely and utterly lost now.
Hope you feel better soon and happy thanksgiving!
:) AC- whatever day this is....I hope you are feeling fine!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you! Hope your muscles are feeling better today!!hughugs