Thursday, May 12, 2005

Our Backyard

Although the daffodils are all but done, and though the tulips will soon begin to fade, the garden looks pretty great right now. The purplish ground phlox make such a great showing when they come out en masse. The white candytuft toward the back are also out, but these plants aren't as hardy as the phlox. Of the eight candytufts that I started with several years ago, only two remain. All of those phlox, however, started out as just three tiny plants. Aside from being hardy, the phlox are evergreen. They provide foliage all the year round although you can't much see it in winter. To the bottom left are several of the many, many forget-me-nots that grow wherever the winds take the seeds. My father planted a few for us about ten years ago or more, and they just keep on gloriously re-seeding themselves and growing in greater abundance every year.

I would say that a Canadian garden can look pretty darn good on May 12th. Wouldn't you?



  1. This is beautiful. You are both talented and fortunate to have such a botanical feast for the eyes.

    I weep for the horticultural cruelty I inflict upon my own backyard by comparison... No, I'm serious. It's not pretty over here.

  2. Oh my lord. Fabulous. It looks like a postcard.

  3. Oh My! S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G!!!!
    Your backyard looks like a lush retreat in paradise!

    This puts my backyard to shame!

    Maybe we should think about cutting our grass for starters....

  4. I am truly envious of your green thumb. Plants shrivel up and die at my very approach.

  5. Absolutely GORGEOUS!

  6. Oh, that's nice.
    My mother in law ran over my bed of phlox (she says it was an accident but I don't believe her)

  7. I continue to be surprised at the head start you get on us northerners up here in Hogtown. We have tulips, yes. But that's about it. The trees aren't even dressed for summer yet.

  8. Okay, now I KNOW I wanna come live at your house for awhile. Not only do you have a bookshelf full of wonderful books, but you have a garden that looks like THAT!

    I am completely inept when it comes to gardening, so I am in awe of your green/purple/yellow/red thumb!

  9. Beautiful! Want to come work in my yard for a while?!
