Sunday, March 06, 2005

my PANTing LEGacy

The other day I changed for a walk, which basically means that I donned long underwear, and came downstairs to the door where Cuppa was waiting patiently.

"Don't you think you should wear pants?" she asked. We both doubled over with laughter, for this has been a recurring event this winter. Sometimes, I even lace up my winter boots (as in the photo) before realizing that I have forgotten to don my pants.

Now, I am not so senile that I don't eventually notice, but it's an awful inconvenience to have to remove and then re-lace those boots.

It's all conditioned reflex you know? The overwhelming majority of times that I pull a garment over my legs, it is pants (or trousers if you prefer). Therefore, when it is cold enough to wear long johns, my conditioned mind informs me that I have drawn the normal layer of clothing over my legs and that I'm good to go.

Although, I do have my head in the clouds (maybe that's why my subconscious really chose the Anvilcloud handle) much of the time, you have to wonder how a person with legs like mine could ever forget his pants.

For the record, I am ten feet tall, and, as the photo clearly shows, most of that is in leg and very little in brain.



  1. My dad always used to comment on my forgetfullness: (and I guess it also applies to you in this case) ;-)

    "If your head wasn't attached to your body, you would forget that too!"

  2. Anonymous10:39 pm

    Oooh- I'm trying to figure out how to do a pic of myself and manipulate it so that I look thinner and 6 feet tall, LOL

    Pants. Who needs 'em?
    Wash Lady

  3. LOL! Funny story, funny photo! Thanks for sharing this with us! I enjoy people who can laugh at themselves. *chuckle*

  4. Your Long Johns are quite becomming Monsieur! With legs like that you should consider a career on the runways of Paris!

  5. Brilliant.

    I have a similar problem with being on "auto pilot." Unfortunately for me it's often behind the wheel of the car while driving familiar roads. More than once (a week?) I come to an intersection and realize I have no recollection of the past 10 miles (16km)! Very X-Files....

  6. Wow! Ten feet tall! I bet you had no problems with discipline in your classes. I surely wouldn't mess with someone who was ten feet tall!

  7. Very funny. Cute post!

  8. I've been there! With Loner & Co. around, I've had to train myself. I can't walk around au naturel as was the custom. I've almost made a major error more than once.
