Wednesday, March 30, 2005

About the Sitemeter ...

... and Blogger

As I have probably mentioned before — but I forget — I am a bit of an absent-minded, head-in-the-clouds type of guy. In other words, I'm not always fully present in the moment.

So it was that earlier, when I posted the screenshot of my sitemeter, I really wasn't thinking that some folk might not make the connection that I did. How dense of me to assume that everyone would come equipped with the same background information as I.

You see, 666 is the mark of the beast, the Antichrist of the book of Revelations. So, when 6,666 showed up on my sitemeter, I immediately took a screenshot and posted it. When I say immediately, it probably took Hello and Blogger about two hours to come to grips with this and allow me to publish the post. It became just a tad frustrating.

Speaking of the system, I am not one to pounce too hard on a free service. Blogger acknowledges their problems and commits to fixing them. But free or not, if something is worth doing, shouldn't it be worth doing well? If you offer a service, shouldn't it work well most of the time? Not complaining mind you. No, not me.



  1. I caught on. I always seem to notice 666 when I see it...Do you think that's a bad thing? I remember when I used to be a cashier, if people got $6.66 for a total, or for change, they would find something else to buy. I can't remember one person not trying to change it.

    I'm totally with you about the not being in the moment thing. I often wonder where I am myself. If I don't know, who on earth does!

    I'm getting a little frustrated with Blogger lately, too. It's very irritating to take a half an hour to try to comment to someone's post, just to have it mess up after all that time! I think that it's been going on long enough that they should have found the reason or fixed it by now or something. I'm not complaining, either, though. Better free w/problems than paid for w/problems!

  2. if something is worth doing, shouldn't it be worth doing well?

    Oh, Anvilcloud... that's so Canadian of you.

    Here in the US we changed that to if something is worth doing, it's worth outsourcing as cheaply as possible.

  3. 666 on only 352 Celsius. Since you're in Canada, I wouldn't worry about it.

    As for me, I choose to believe the number of the beast is π, so I fear all things circular...

  4. I have spent almost my entire life explaining to people that the 4 6's in my birthdate were okay - that it was actually one six more than the sign of the beast. This wasn't too bad in the more-Catholic north, but here in teh Bible Belt - people look at me funny when I give them my birthday. In gradeschool there were three of us with the same birthday - and this was also about the same time the Damien Omen movies were tossing about - so you an imagine the comments when I added in that I was also adopted!! Second though here - how incredibly cool that 6,000 people have gotten to see your chickadees and hear how much you love your wife - talk about making a difference in our own little worlds...
