Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Weather Outside is Frightful

It's cold out, really cold. We are in a cold snap that will last for more than a week. It will be the longest cold spell of the last few years. But we shall be warm, so all is well.

Those temperatures (below) are all in Celsius, but in Fahrenheit terms, the very highest temperature will be zero, and the nighttime temperatures will be in the minus teens for the most part, dipping as low as -18F.

We don'r expect a ton of snow when it's this cold, but we had plenty leading up to and including Christmas Day.

To leave Sha's place around noon on Christmas, we had to shovel out the path to the car, which was laden with a foot of snow or more. We were just about done shovelling when Sue took this photo from the front door.

Then, when we got home, we had to shovel out our driveway too. About a half hour after we were done, our snow plow guy showed up. Thanks a lot, bud.

That was Christmas. On Boxing Day, yesterday, I went for a morning walk and took this pano of the park around the corner.

Later, I took this from my computer chair. I just swivelled the chair to show you what I see from here -- mainly snow on rooftops.

So, that's the weather update, and I imagine that we will stay indoors for the most part for the next week or so. The plan is for all of us to head into the city tomorrow to catch that Star Wars movie, whatever it's called. JJ has a hockey tournament on Friday and Sue also has a tea to attend that day, but we have no special plan for New Years.

I shall probably post a bit about the Christmas celebrations at some point.


Marie Smith said...

We’re hunkered down here too. The winds are high and that makes the cold so much more oppressive! We lost the snow we had and got it all plus more back again. Oh well. Canada in winter!

Tabor said...

AS I have written there are friends in Erie that have 58 inches. It is beautiful, but after a few days it is old stuff.

Mage said...

Hey, I love looking at it, but I remember my enthusiasm wearing thin after a while. Here it is 47, they tell us. G has the house to 65. That will keep us quiet and well behaved. Drive carefully.


Jenn Jilks said...

Isn't it awful out there!!! It's pretty, only deer on the trailcam.

Donna said...

Celsius? How do you do it....That is freakin' Cold!
Stay in and stay warm...