Friday, December 01, 2017

Cottage Odds and Ends

I didn't take many photos beyond sunsets, but I did take a few, mostly with the iPhone.

Sleep was a real problem for me, and it hasn't changed a whole lot since we returned. However, I find it more comfortable and with more to occupy me here. On the first morning I awoke ~3 and almost two hours later, I took this selfie to post to FB so everybody would feel sorry for me. It did not work.

We did go out for some woodsy walks. This was along the old logging road where some leaves clung to their trees.

On another day we walked along the river to the south woods. The last two were panos which scrolled on FB.

In the woods the lagoons/swamps were frozen and will likely remain in that state until April.

These tracks were made by beavers pulling chewed logs and branches into the river. There were quite a few fresh little stumps where the beavers had been doing their work. The first photo reveals multiple tracks and the second closer detail.

Oh ... I almost forgot this photo of Brian and Sue shooting the bread that he had made. Brian and Heather came up later in the week, and the first thing that he did was bake no-knead bread. He has been quite into this lately.


  1. I love photos of people taking photos!!!
    Looks like a great spot. Yay winter!

  2. I only read the sentence (and had not yet scrolled down to the photo): 'shooting the bread' and all sorts of weird images flashed through my head. None to do with photography though...

  3. Such a beautiful area!

  4. Beautiful photos! The beaver trail is great to see.

  5. Yummy bread..
    Good luck with the sleep.. I have RLS and have bouts of sleeplessness

  6. I do like pictures with no human prints in them.

  7. I don't mean to insult, AC, but you look a little too "Here's Johnny" on that selfie to inspire pity. Fear, perhaps:-) And because I'm a weirdo, I guess, I love that shot most of all.

  8. So sorry you have had trouble sleeping. I am quite not myself when this happens and I can commiserate with you about it. Beautiful shots- I especially love the panos- quite pretty landscapes! Here's to a good night's rest!

  9. I'm sorry you have sleep problems AC, but that selfie would keep me awake too ... so just don't do that !! I love the sunrise photos in your last two posts.

  10. Well, you do look properly horrific. Love the pictures. Thank you.
