Monday, June 05, 2017

In the Temple

We experienced serendipity on the weekend when we chanced to walk along our main street and noticed that the Masonic Temple was open for viewing. We had been wanting to see it for some time, so up we went on the steep steps to the second floor.

Built early last century, they have always rented out the bottom floor to generate income for upkeep.

There are a few rooms upstairs, but we were keen to view the 'sanctuary' [my word].

The stool in the centre ↑ is where new members kneel to be invested as Masons.

St John's Lodge↓: a close up of the banner on the table above.

In one corner of the carpet was this representation of Jacob's Ladder which you climb on the firm foundation of the bible. I was told that you must believe in a higher power to become a Mason. Although they don't specify that power, the Christian roots are strong.

Below is a corner of the carpet. The whole edge is made of repeating drafting symbols, a strong mason motif.

You can see the drafting motif carried through in the following two photos.

.There were throne-like chairs in spots around the room; Danica looked quite cute in one of them.

It was fun to see and also hear about as our guide supplied us with all sorts of information.


  1. I have never really grasped what the Freemasons are actually about. Strange that.

  2. my father was a mason - all i will say is the whole thing was very strange to me. secretive with strange rituals. my father was an odd man, enough said!!!!

  3. I've had tours around our local Masonic Lodge and also the one in Aurora.... very interesting and full of old men!!!

  4. Interesting visit, I'm sure.

  5. There is a Masonic temple here in downtown Nashua on Main St and we toured it during a similar open house last year. It was fascinating and interesting to hear about some of the rituals as well.

  6. I reviewed a book that spoke to the Freemason's history. They had guilds, standards, and ensured that not any dude off the street could belong. Interesting.

  7. Many masons in my family. I remember a girls group in a room like that eons ago. Love the pictures.

  8. Brought back fond memories of my father who was a "Master" in his lodge for a year back in the forties. I remember visiting the "Temple" once as a child. The layout was similar as your photo showed...;)I vaguely recall their foundation goes back to the time of the Spanish Inquisition.

  9. I've never seen the inside of a Masonic Temple so this was especially interesting for me.
