Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pentecostal Baby?

Niks hasn't exactly been speedy to embrace certain milestones: rolling over, crawling, and now walking. She has been physically able to walk for quite some time now, but has preferred to crawl or hold onto an adult's hand. However, just in the past few days, she has begun to step out on her. As the video clip shows, she raises her arms in Praise the Lord manner and waddles off. As someone who was brought up in pentecostal circles, I'm not too sure if this Praise Walk is a good or bad thing.


  1. LOL...precious!! And now it begins.....Happy Day sweetie!!hughugs

  2. So cute! She's at the stage a friend's son was about two weeks ago. He too started with a 'Pentecostal' style of walking... my friend just figured that as he'd been walking for so long while holding a hand, his body had 'learned' that walking involved having at least one hand in the air.

    He's now learned that he doesn't have to have a hand held high, so it probably won't take long for Niki Dee either.

  3. And your house will never be the same again! Too cute:-)

  4. That's so cute. I love the way she ends her walk with a vocal celebration!

  5. The shaking of her hand is very convincing.

  6. Those first steps will lead to running in a very few weeks. Then you will really be in shape! Her crawling technique is flawless.

  7. That is exactly the way Chris was walking when we adopted him---it was a delight--a scary delight

  8. Oh my, here we go. She's precious. The Queen was fascinated with watching her. She likes to see Nikki Dee's pictures, and has started calling Nikki Dee her baby sister. She was very upset when the video stopped, thinking I had broken something, so we had to watch it several times.
    DeBoy held his arms in the air like that when he was learning. The Queen held hers out to the side.

  9. I'm finally catching up on blogs, and imagine my delight at finding all these wonderful pictures of Niks and her grandparents. I'm familiar with the arms in the air walk, it's classic, but your Pentecostal take on it brought a chuckle. Your solution to the painting problem brought another.

  10. Anonymous1:48 pm

    Hallelujah! :-)
    But just remember .. first comes walking, then comes running. I hope you guys have on your running shoes. :-)

  11. heh, Praise be! is a stage we all must pass thru. She's just getting it out of the way early. ;)

  12. Anonymous8:54 pm

    I've just wandered over form daffy's blog *waves*
    I have a little 7 month old boy who's starting to crawl and I just melted at your video! It was utterly gorgeous and I can't wait for smiliar events in our house! :o)

  13. Awwww. She is just TOO TOO cute!

    At 10 months, my grand daughter seems more like a hip-hop dancer. Or someone looking for a mosh pit to dive into.
