I enjoyed both the chapter and the webcast. Its focus was the ego and how to begin to shunt it aside (my words) and live in Consciousness (Eckhart's word). I know it's a bit ethereal for most of us with a solid Western background and mental constructs, but I didn't actually find the material too mystical or outlandish: not so much that I can't grind some grist from it anyway. With mentors such Oprah, Tolle, Cuppa and especially His Enlightened Rockiness to help me on my path, how can I not make spiritual progress, I ask you.
So happy you're content with your progress...Thanks for your kind comment on my blog...See? It's a new world every day!lol
ReplyDeleteWell, you peaked my curiosity. I did a little research into Tolle. Let me know if you discover a social ethic in his thought. Pietistic mystical individualistic self absorbtion seldom has an effective social ethic. All it seems to be able to say is as soon as everyone becomes a true believer and a "good Person" good social realities will emerge. Of course there are never enough good people.
ReplyDeleteSadly good people can do bad things in a bad social system. (examples: native residential schools, internment of the Japanese in Canada, forced sterilization of the handicaped) "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" A good social system can minimize the damage bad people can do, and enhance the good others can do.
Systemic change needs a strong social ethic. We do not exist as individuals but as part of communities. I believe the "tribe" not the individual is the basic social unit."
I say all this in spite of my interest in mysticism in all World faiths. Fortunately, I am also interested in Marx, and intentional communities, which offers some balance.
Hopefully, when you find enlightenment you will go out and help to transform the "polis". Get political as well as pious!
Ah! I love "Tossing's" comment. Couldn't have said it better myself!
ReplyDeleteI've just been catching up on all your back posts while I've been away. I know you've finished with the snow but I'm amazed at how deep it ended up. We had one short snow storm while I was in Dublin but it didn't settle as it soon turned to rain. The whispering video was so cute.
ReplyDeletespiritual progress is good whatever the impetus. And apparently, Chris B, we're not finished with the snow yet.
ReplyDeleteI too enjoyed the second chapter.. but must admit, I waited until Tuesday and then downloaded the podcast from iTunes. This seems to work for me. I am finding that if I reread the chapter after listening to the discussion some of the concepts seem to gel a little better. I am finding it all quite interesting and it is fun to know you and Cuppa (and Rocky) are doing the same.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Lorna. Any attempt to reach an understanding of the invisible mysteries is good.