Friday, May 25, 2007

Playing the Fool

If you really want to see AC acting like a fool, feel free to watch these videos. In the first, they were visiting our place. Mom was bouncing Smudge, but when Daddy began to bounce in rhythm, I couldn't help but play the fool and join in. I sang the few words that came into my silly head ... over and over.

In the second, I can just gotten Smudge to sleep by doing a linedance waltz with her and singing ... or whatever you call the noises that I make. Cuppa got her camera out and asked for an encore for posterity. In case you wonder about the words, Lanark is the county in which we live. The original song is Waltz Across Texas.



  1. Smudge is one lucky baby! The first video had me laughing all the way through, just great. and Smudge, the little papoose, she took it all in stride.

    You do have a deep voice, don't you?

  2. I can't wipe this smile off my face ;0D What a lucky little girl! What a talented FUN family - and - wow, AC - what a great bass voice.

  3. Ohhhhhhhh dear! Hahahah, you crack me up - I am sitting here across from my roommate laughing out loud, and she is looking at me like an alien! Thanks for the laugh. Yep, smudge is a lucky lil' gal.

  4. Totally awesome.

    I am feeing Nate at the moment and when he heard your voice he stopped everything and got these big huge eyes and just listened.

    Seems that babies like your deep voice AC.

  5. I'm feeling a bit sleepy mysel....zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. You are truly losing your mind over this baby, or is it just freeing your inner child.

    It is time to start teaching the smudge sign language so she can tell you how silly you look and what terrible dancers you are.:)

  7. Is there anything like dancing and singing with a sleeping baby in your arms? Thanks for a good laugh!

  8. Those are great! She is going to LOVE growing up with you as a Grandpa! I can just imagine all the fun and mischief you're going to get into!

  9. You just made my day!!

  10. Awww, this was so precious!
