Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The More Things Change

The old expression, "The more things change, the more they stay the same," seems like an appropriate caption for this photo. As you can plainly see, Butterfly was totally and ecstatically thrilled to receive this birthday present many years ago. We still all fondly remember the doll called Saranella. She laughed and giggled delightedly when held in the appropriate way. In was an infectious laugh that made everyone else want to join in.

Now and Then

But this post isn't about the doll; it's about the girl, who is a doll in her own right. Her smile warmed and delighted me then, and it does now. The similarity between the two photos taken more than three decades apart stuns me. Some things do stay the same. And that's good. Very good.

Happy Birthday Little One


Cathy said...

You're gonna make me cry again. That is so sweet. She's lucky to have such a smitten dad. Wow.

Mary said...

awwwwwwww, ben and i absolutely love the picture!! nice one! what a beautiful post!

birthday wishes from ajax!

Gina said...

Happy Birthday to the woman who will always be your little girl.

mreddie said...

Pass along my Happy Birthday wishes as well. I too am such a sucker for my daughter's smiles - and now the 'grand' ones. Of course that goes doubly for my Spice. ec

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful girl.. both then and now. And such a delightful smile.

PBS said...

Awww, that's so sweet. Happy Birthday to her!

methatiam said...

Please pass along our birthday wishes too.

Heather Plett said...

Oh, that picture is beautiful! I'm getting a little choked up thinking about my little girls growing up like yours have.

Anonymous said...

What a beauty. Now you've done it, you've made me cry...but in a good way. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

Bonita said...

That phrase 'Daddy's little girl' never gets outworn. How fortunate, for both of you...

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome father! Why is it you can't be cloned for every young girl to have a dad like you. :)



Anonymous said...


I'm still daddy's little girl.

Dad's 80.

It makes such a difference in a girl's life to know her dad is there for her.