Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas II

I know that I've been flooding you with lots of pics lately. I promise to stop soon. Meanwhile, here are a few photos from Christmas 2 that was held on the proper days according to the calendar. Our first round of Christmas took place a week earlier when Bug and Puff were home. It was a little weird splitting Christmas into two parts, but you do what you have to do and make the best of it, and most of the time things turn out alright.

Christmas 22

Christmas 32

Above: two pics from Christmas Eve. SIL was in a fine mood both on the eve and on the day as you will see later. Family tradition holds that we lay out some nice snacks on Christmas Eve, so both photos were taken in the kitchen while the food was being prepared.

Below: Butterfly is pleasantly surprised to see that she has received a CD of the Trans Siberian orchestra in her stocking. SIL had already found a Superman T-shirt in his as well as a pair of gloves. You can see him wearing one in the photo.

Christmas 24

Christmas 25

Above: SIL clowns around while preparing breakfast on Christmas morning. We males don Santa hats in the morning, but we soon get too hot to keep them on.

Below: a photo op with daughter and parents.

Christmas 21

Below: on Christmas afternoon, we settled in for the George C Scott version of A Christmas Carol (aka Scrooge). We had watched the older Alistair Sim version on Christmas Eve. The tv shows Scrooge standing on the grounds of his boyhood boarding school where the Spirit of Christmas Past first took him on the first leg of Scrooge's journey of reclamation. Even though we were without snow in Canada this year, apparently they had plenty of it in Victorian England. Sure sure.

Christmas 29

So, I guess that's another Christmas in the record books which must be rather wonderful for my dear readers who have no doubt had quite enough of it and my family photo. But in case you haven't, Cuppa will soon post her choices as well.


  1. but i love your pictures, especially the ones of eric! nice!

    see you both soon!

  2. Looks and sounds like you have had a wonderful Christmas!

    Wishing you a great New Year in 2007.

  3. Good to see that you all had such fun!

  4. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Don't stop posting your pictures, I am living vicariously through you until late January when I get to celebrate "Christmas" with my son. :)

  5. Wonderful pictures.

    I like the Trans-Siberian Orchestra too.

  6. I love to see pics too it makes one feel like we are family in a way.glad to see you all had a nice christmas.God bless you.and Happy New Year.

  7. Anonymous12:30 am

    Wonderful pictures of a wonderful time. I, for one, never tire of them.
    I love the superman t-shirt and the Santa hats. :-)

  8. Nope, I never get tired of your photos. They're wonderful and heartwarming!

  9. Photos and music. What more could one ask?

  10. Such nice people - makes me smile. We didn't watch any version of "A Christmas Carol". Unbelievable - has to be the first year in decades. Guess it was all the traveling. We could watch it now, but that seems like putting up a Christmas tree on the 26th. Drats:0)

  11. Anonymous11:17 pm

    It's not possible to get *too many pictures*. I really love seeing them!



  12. Anonymous5:31 am

    Never apologise for too many pictures, there is no such thing!!

  13. Anonymous1:54 pm

    Never too many photos...the joy in these is obvious and contageous.

  14. I'm with Pam, what loving photos!

    Hugs to all of you for '07, Anvil, my loyal reader and Cuppa his best friend. Joy to you and yours.
