Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Introducing ...

I suspect that most married couples use nicknames of some sort, at least sometimes. Because neither Cuppa nor I are terribly mushy and gushy, some of the usual suspects would never have suited. I cannot imagine Cuppa and I calling each other Honey for instance. It just wouldn't be us. While the occasional Dear might pass our lips, it doesn't suit us terribly well either. And Snookums, Poopsie, or the like beggar the imagination.

Oddly enough, or perhaps not, Mom and Dad suit. We feel comfortable with those nicknames. The kids asked us not long ago if we have always called each other that. Almost. We picked up the habit shortly after we were married and a few years before we had kids. We were still kids ourselves then, so we didn't use it a lot or exclusively, but we certainly used those appellations at times. They always felt right to us.

But times change. Around the middle of next April you can start calling me Grampa. What the heck, you can start now if you wish. But only if you really want to.

This, the first ever picture of my grandchild, I guess), is almost a month old. Read about the one who has been called Smudge at In The Family Way. Because it was taken ago, so I'm sure that a second portrait will soon be forthcoming. If memory serves, the little embryo, which is now officially a fetus btw, was only about 7 millimetres long but has now grown to a gigantic 1.5 inches or more.


  1. Wow. That is one fine-lookin' kid. ;)

    I can't do the sweetum names either. I tried to come up with something, but nothing fit my style, except calling him "Husband," which is the only endearment I use to this day. I wonder if that's because I didn't hear my parents (who love each other dearly) using endearments either?

  2. Congratulations, Grandpa!

  3. Wow, lots of great news for the Raindrop/Cuppa family lately!

    Congratulations to everyone!

  4. hey gramps!

    i've been reading shauna's blog and i am so excited for her and eric!! i can't wait until smidge, or smudge, or smidge is a real little baby that i can pinch (gently, of course) and love love love.

    take care!

  5. Woohoo! How very exciting for you and your family! That will be one lucky baby - born into a family like yours!

    Too bad you don't live closer - I'd lend you our bike trailer for those days on the trails with the little one. :-)

  6. I know the day my mom found out she was officially a “McGrandma” was, as she’s said, one of the most anticipated and happiest days of her life.

    I have no doubt you and Cuppa will wear your new names with much pride and joy. Warm wishes to Butterfly and The Boy as well!

  7. Congratulations!

    You are going to be a great grampa!

  8. Oh, are you gonna love this. It is like nothing else that has ever happened and it is wonderful.

    you're the grandpa!!! it's the BEST PART!!!!!

    so happy for your family, and the mother of the baby. but never forger, grandpa is the best place to be!!!-!!

  10. Well, you're on your way now. I mimic what's been said...there's nothing to compare to being a grandparent (it has to be infinitely easier than being the parent.) ENJOY !

  11. Anonymous9:14 pm

    Oh! How exciting!

    I am SO happy for all of you!

    Becoming a grandma is one of the very best things that has ever happened to me.

    You two will be darling at it!!!

    (and, thanks for leaving the hint on my blog about needing to post anon. since i upgraded to beta)

  12. 1.5 inches?! The kid's a monster! In a few months you can serenade it with your violin.

  13. Anonymous10:14 pm


  14. Congrats Grampa!! When it is born maybe you, the dog and new baby can sing together in a trio. That might be inspirational. ec

  15. 'Grampa'. Now that is a lovely word and being in an autumn-induced frame of mind it occurs to me to wonder how many years it's been since I called anyone 'Grampa'. I sense you're going to be the fulfillment of all the nice associations :0)

  16. Anonymous10:33 pm

    Oh.. such marvelously wonderful news!! Congrats Grandpa :-).
