Friday, September 22, 2006


We were doing some painting at the kids' house yesterday — grey paint. While I admit that I frequently get as much paint on me as on the object of my endeavours, I also admit to being very surprised to see how much I had apprently gotten on my beard when I looked in the kids' bathroom mirror. I noticed several grey splotches.

However, when I got home and looked in the better light of my own mirror, I realized that I hadn't dripped paint on my beard at all — the colour was totally natural!!


  1. Good thing you weren't painting with green paint!

  2. Is that my problem? too much bald paint?

  3. Yeah!! I know the problem and on top of that my wife always makes me wear the shirt with the belly!
    Enough said!

  4. I have the same thing happen with white paint - I think it is the paint, but nope, it is just those curly white hairs coming through...

  5. Oh dear, dear AC, I cannot read a word here. Blurry and tiny, but your photos are great. It may not warrent your changing anything, as my computer is dying anyway....

  6. Thanks for the e-mail, AC. I tried it, and now it works of my kids must have switched it to 'smallest', rather than normal. Ahhhhh, what a relief!

  7. Ah, well, it happens to the best of us. Just consider yourself amongst the "distinguished" group.

  8. Well it's a good thing you weren't using darker paint then isn't it? You'd have probably panicked when it wore off and you thought you aged really fast.

  9. Gray makes a man look distinguished. Congratulate yourself.

  10. Anonymous10:44 pm

    hehehe.. comes as a bit of shock, doesn't it! :-)

  11. Mirrors can be very cruel - I should know. ec

  12. My hair is turning grey but mostly it is turning loose.
