Monday, October 11, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving ...

... from the Canadian Shield
View from the new trail
What a fine Thanksgiving weekend! We visited with family, feasted on turkey, and drank-in the glorious fall colours.

We spent Saturday helping the kids celebrate their first Thanksgiving as a new married couple and as new homeowners. The girl did well at taking the lead-hand in preparing our feast on Saturday under Mom’s ever-watchful eye. The boy and I did our parts by devouring helpings aplenty and by frequently grunting and groaning our pleasure and gratefulness.

On Sunday we spent about five hours in the car as we drove forth to and back from Riverwood, the country cottage that we frequent. Our in-laws were there, preparing their own feast. We were more than happy to indulge in turkey dinner number two. Between dinner and desert we all walked the new trail (see the photo) which snakes its way along and near the banks of the river. We chatted aimiably, took photos, breathed the pure air, and digested our meal well enough to make room for dessert. Both the apple pie and blueberry pie were wonderful: so wonderful that one just had to have a helping of each.

After more chatter, we hit the road for the return trip, and we spent today relaxing. The boy and I cooked the traditional big breakfast that we try to do at least once when we all get together. I do the eggs; he does the bacon; and, we all enjoy the results. For supper, we feasted on turkey leftovers. Love those turkey leftovers.

I hope that you all had as fine a weekend as we, whether it was your Thanksgiving or not. We have so much for which to be grateful. Even the poorer of us (for the most part) live incredibly well by current-world and historical standards. At times we all tend to become consumed by our troubles, and they are real enough to us, but we must school ourselves to see the big picture.

We, of the first-world, are pretty darn well off and have much. Our wants, for the most part, are non-material. With thought and planning, most of us can find ways to fill those kinds of voids. It may not always be easy, but it’s almost always possible. May you find your path to fulfillment and be thankful because of it.

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