Sunday, November 27, 2016

Danica Learns Hockey Skills

Danica has had a yen to try her hand at hockey. The problem is that she has started late, so she is far behind other girls her age who began playing years ago.

So, what to do?

Well, her mom found a program called First Shift, which is designed to give kids a start in the game in a non-competitive atmosphere. As of yet anyway, they are not even playing but the many kids who enrolled divide into 4 groups and rotate to 4 drill areas through their hour on ice.

It is sponsored by Bauer and Canadian Tire, and for the cost of the program, the kids get 12 sessions and then get to keep the equipment. What a deal!

We were very impressed with how the program was carried out. The coaches all seemed to be dedicated and knowledgeable, and they kept the kids active and involved.

They got to skate with pucks and try a bit of passing and receiving.

The most interesting activity centre was the following where they had to hop over sticks, slide under a bar, and then push a coach on a chair.

My fave pic of the day is this one. It's her smile, and it's just her, the wonderful and happy kid that she is.


  1. That program sounds great and your sweetie appears to enjoy it! What a great program for kids even if they never join organized hockey.

  2. So sweet! You are proud, I can tell!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  3. My oldest, now nearing 42, remembers those days in alaska, living in anchorage. she was the only girl on a all boys team at an elementary school. They wanted her to be goalie, until she proved to be the best skater and most aggresive player in the league. Then she discovered field hockey, prep school in Maryland, and on.

  4. Sliding under a bar he says! I thought it would be much higher. I would never even have attempted to go under it. Way to go Danica!

  5. My grandson Isaac was part of First Shift in our town last year. A great program for kids who don't skate and who have never had much to do with hockey. It started in October and went all the way through to March. He'a playing hockey regularly now, and seems to be enjoying it.

  6. First Shift

  7. Your photos truly capture her attempts and happiness. Good going, Danica!

  8. Sounds like a great program. Did Danica enjoy her time on the ice and does she plan to continue with hockey?
