Saturday, September 01, 2012

Our Ultimate Day Together

For our ultimate summer day of the four of us together, we headed back to Stewart Park in Perth. We know that it has a nice and somewhat shady play area for the kids, and the rest of the park is also lovely.

 As always, there was much climbing to be done, and that is the overriding theme of both the day and this post.

Before we view the climbing, I would like to share once again how it is to walk anywhere with these children. She runs on ahead and needs constant reminders to stop and wait. Sometimes, he runs with her, but at other times in chooses to lag behind. It can be frustrating for beleaguered  grandparents who are trying to keep some sort of control.
She climbs.

He climbs
They both climb a small mound in the children's play area.

Let the record bear witness that they both required intervention from The Buppa when they got stuck in their various endeavours above.

After a picnic lunch, we took them to a rock outcrop where more climbing was to occur. This session only required one intervention from The Buppa when Danica tried to climb down on her back and got herself a little stuck. Fortunately, I was able to talk her through the escape without having to try to drag my lame foot up there.

Going up

... and Up

Posing at the top
Grandma relaxes while Buppa hovers near the kids

Just when I thought we were done with all of that, I headed to the car to obtain refreshments for the kidlets after all of the strenuous activity. Look at where they were when I returned.

It never stops

We've had a fun summer with the munchkins, but are looking forward to less strenuous days as we settle back into the routine. We'll just have her to deal with before and after school, and he'll spend two days a week in formal daycare.


  1. Your youngsters are not fearful of heights! That is quite a perch on the gate. September is more of a New Year than January.

  2. Ooo--AC--very good: penultimate and ultimate.
    Those are two climbing grandchildren. But I am thinking Grandma has the right idea--find a spot in the shade, and read while Buppa worries, and climbs, sort of.

  3. Wow! Those were some most excellent adventures! I think Cuppa had the right idea about how to spend the afternoon at the park, though.

    Love the pride in the faces of the little ones for making it to the top of the "mountain".
