Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Am So Done With Mumbling

When I got my new hearing aids two years ago, Cuppa claims that she went deaf.

Because I started mumbling.

I was hearing myself so much that I felt like I was shouting if I was just talking at something resembling a normal volume. I couldn't figure it out because no other hearing aids, this being my fourth pair, affected me like this. I figured there was something about the new generation of hearing aids because the pair that I tried and discarded before I settled on this one had a similar effect on me.

I recently went back for a hearing test and told the audiologist of my experience. She made an adjustment.

Guess what? Cuppa is no longer deaf. Apparently, I am not mumbling anymore although I can't tell the difference. I keep asking her if she can hear me and if I am still mumbling, and the answers are, "Yes" and "No."

The audiologist said I was getting a barrel effect that was giving me a false perception of how loud I was sounding to myself. Now, I feel as though I am speaking at the same level as before or even softer, but I must be hearing myself correctly because I am now, apparently, talking at normal volume.

I am quite happy with this development. Cuppa is also.

Too bad I didn't know that the problem could could have been remedied so easily two years ago. Sigh.


  1. Good for you for talking to your audiologist and having your hearing aids adjusted. My darling husband needs hearing aids desperately but is firm in the belief that hearing aids are "for old people." He is a very young 73. Hee.

  2. So many people resist getting hearing aids (they are expensive) but hearing loss is such a social disability. Glad yours are fine-tuned, and I am sure Cuppa is happy too.

  3. What did you say????Hahahaa....
    That must have been a pain to deal with...Glad it's now fixed!

  4. That is great news AC, better that they are working so well now than not. Happy for Cuppa too!
    .....:) Hugs

  5. Live and Learn as they say!!
    Love Di ♥

  6. I'm glad to know that Cuppa is no longer deaf. She must be very relieved. ;)

  7. A/C every time one of my blogger buddies start to appear on facebook I forget to visit their blog. I spent some time catching up on yours since I had to come over to get your e-mail addy. I loved the story of the first Lassie which I never got to see since we had no TV up til the late 50s.

  8. It's amazing how you cured Cuppa of her deafness just by doing the right thing! What a guy.

  9. Thanks for this post. I have a dear, sweet brother who wears aids and mumbles. I sent your post to my sister-in-law. She wrote back that she was making Bro an appointment with his audiologist, and she was going along this time!! We hope it helps. Thanks again!

  10. I noticed the same effect with a friend of mine, who recently acquired hearing aids. I was trying to record our voices together, and after inserting the aids, her voice was registering less volume on my microphone. So it was back to square one, for a re-think as to where we positioned the mic.
    They are wonderful inventions, though...

  11. huh, who knew that could happen.
