Friday, February 02, 2007

Foto Friday

Time away from Blogger gives me time to work on photos. You may recall seeing a black & white version of the first one, below. I have tinted it in Photoshop. According to my memory these are something like the original colours, but my memory may be faulty. Men aren't all that great at recalling clothes, doncha know?

Wk2 Coloring a Photo

This one is supposed to resemble a stamp (please stretch your imagination for ole AC). Lanark is the county in which we reside.

Wk 1 Stamp

Of course, you have seen many photos of Rocky. In the next two, I am playing with matting and framing.

Wk1 Vignette

Wk 1 Framed

The backyard from the bedroom window.

Shadows from the Window

Neighbourhood winter scenes taken on recent walks.

Icebound Driftwood

Broken Limb


squire said...

I like the "STAMP" style photo. Nice to put in a album.

Pam said...

Very nicely done, they're great. I like the stamp effect and absolutely love the second to last
winter scene...very artistic.

The very nice man said...

Cool pics! You're da man!!

Gina said...

Wow! The first of the neighborhood walks set is lovely! Not to say the others aren't lovely, too, though!

dmmgmfm said...

The photos are lovely. You've done a wonderful job with them.

Anonymous said...

I too can spend hours working with my Photoshop.. I have the lite version.. Photoshop elements and am quite happy with it. Your photos are just lovely.

Leann said...

I so enjoy your pic,s theyare so nice.

Cathy said...

Verrry nice. The stamp format would really be fun to play with. It's curious that what must be a knot hole could also be a rather large rock formation.