Thursday, February 15, 2007

Arizona Bling

Well, what blogger doesn't like to make the most out of a bit of a predicament. Of course, that's partly what I did yesterday with the ... er ... em post. However, most of Valentine's Day was actually fine. We had wanted to splurge on a breakfast sandwich at Tims after the procedure; in fact, being mindful of our waistlines lately, we had planned on it as sort of a break-diet breakfast for about a month. But, we got out of the hospital a little too late. However, on the drive home I remembered the Thruway restaurant and was pretty sure we could get breakfast there even though it was close to lunch time. It turns out that we could, and it also turns out that it was very good and satisfying.

Once we got home, I gave Cuppa the card that I had prepared for her featuring the photo below. It was just over a year ago that I took the photo at Monument Valley, Arizona. She has climbed a bit of a ridge to look out over the vast view of monuments (buttes and mesas). Monument Valley was the highlight of our wonderful trip to Arizona. I superimposed the portrait of Cuppa with those earrings which she also purchased somewhere in Arizona. Not one to normally notice such things, I really like
those earring — find them very hot, eh? You should see the heavy metal necklace she's wearing today though. I also notice that!

Pondering Arizona


  1. Love it! I especially love the picture of Cuppa! It never ceases to amaze me what you can do with a photo. :)



  2. You continue to impress me with your thoughful and caring heart, my friend.

    Happy V day to you and yours.

  3. Love what you did with the photo, very nice. And I'm coveting those earings!

  4. Anonymous2:11 pm

    I think that's a beautiful portrait and tribute.

  5. Yes,it´s a very nice picture and I really like it!Very good!


  6. By golly, you're a romantic, AC. Lucky Cuppa...and Happy Valentine's day to you both.

  7. Hmmm. I wonder if getting my husband to retire would turn him into a romantic like you. Worth a try :0)
    I love the card - Cuppa is beautiful.

  8. Gorgeous photo (the subject too!)

  9. Anonymous10:05 am

    This is so heartfelt. I bet the card made Cuppa cry. :-)
