The season is upon us; good feelings are in the air; spirits are rejoicing. Although the snow cover will soon likely disappear in the warmer and rainier weather that is being predicted for the next few days, there is no denying that the festive season is upon us. Many, if not most, houses now have their outdoor lights up. We have done ours: hung some lights both outside and inside, and put up a small tree. The Christmas dishes are out, and various and sundry decorations festoon corners here and there.
On the weekend, after a hiatus of several years, we resumed a family tradition: the ceremonial and festive decorating of the main family tree. I won't repeat Cuppa's fuller version, but I will reiterate that at one time we'd have grandma and grandpa and aunt Val over to help with decorating, eat platefuls of goodies, and have dinner together. We started that when the kids were still young, and then they moved away. Grandma and grandpa passed on, and poor aunt Val was felled by a debilitating stroke. Cuppa and I carried on by still making it an occasion of sorts, but we missed the family.
Now that we live near Butterfly, she has resumed the tradition. She was a Christmas baby and loves the season. She had us over to decorate both of her trees, one of which you see in the picture, and we munched our goodies, and supped together, and even went to the town Santa Claus parade afterwards.
Yes, the season is upon us, and in the event, I hereby roll out my Christmas template. Although I can code web pages, Blogger's templates just about drives me starkers, and there likely remains things to fix and tweak. I'm not yet sure how bad some of the previous posts, with styles adapted to those colours, will look, but I don't suppose there is much deep examination of old posts anyway, and most of them will probably survive the transition relatively well.
Merry Christmas Season
I love it. Looks great on my screen too, so it seems to be working ok. Hurray!
ReplyDeleteNice holiday themed template! Very festive.
ReplyDeleteThis past week was our Thanksgiving holiday. Which means that this past weekend, while still in a tryptophan stupor, we found ourselves stowing away the cornucopia and autumnal decorations and dragging out the holly and evergreen roping...
Oy! Is it that time of year already?! Say it aint so...
The main page has the side bar way at the bottom but the comment page is just fine.
ReplyDeleteIt's usually the width of the #main area needs to be a few numbers smaller but a photo that is larger than #main can "blow away" your side bar, too.
It's bright and chrismasy!
But mostly, I loved the post!
Very nice, AC!
ReplyDeleteYes, I am really trying to get in the spirit of things this year. It helps a lot when you can see Christmas through the wide eyes of your young child.
I love being described as "stalwart!"
You definitely love the festivities of holidays. This is even better than your Halloween image - makes me want to shop for holiday cards. Nice.
ReplyDeleteNice, AC. Very nice. The post and the page. And what a gorgeous tree!
ReplyDeleteMy goodness.. what a lovely Christmas tree. It is so nice that you will be close to your daughter at Christmas .. especially with the grandbaby :-)
ReplyDeleteI love your Christmas Theme.. very festive and very well done.
Yours is the only blog I've seen that "dressed up" for Christmas. Wow!
ReplyDeleteWow, a Christmas tree and a festive blog! Gorgeous looking tree... and it was only November too when you decorated it. For me, growing up, tree decorating came at the end of the school term (usually about 18th Dec) and since living here we've tended to get around to it about a week before Christmas. Sometimes as late as Christmas Eve. But we do religiously take it all down again on Twelfth Night (6th Jan). Not sure I'd want the tree up too early since our cats tend to think it's an indoor tree for climbing, or that the baubles are toys for them to catch... Sue