I made mention of The Old Hastings Gallery in
my previous post: The Trip Home. But, since I took any number of photos, I thought I would do another post, without re-sharing the photos that I have already posted.
Above is the whole frontage, including The Old Milk Shed off to the left.
Below is the sign on the front lawn. Yes, it is located in Ormsby, and whether the population is 20 or 40, you get the idea.
From the side |
There are all sorts of rooms, nooks, and crannies inside, and I wasn't taking photos for a complete tour, but here are a few.
There are many lakes in the area, which are celebrated in a few ways: among them hats and miniature paddles. Here are the paddles. 'Our' cottage is not on a lake but is closest to Chandos.
There is a quaint Christmas room.
While Sue completed her purchases (gifts for others) ...
... I wandered back outside. I stuck my nose in The Old Milk Shed, which seems to have once been a garage.
And that was pretty well it. They do have an ancillary Tea House and Art Gallery (below), but we didn't make it over there. In fact, since the proprietor was sitting in her car while we pulled up and had to hurry to open the store for us, I'm pretty sure that there was ne tea being served.
Since you can get to Ormsby (pop. 20) from anywhere in the world, you might consider dropping in sometime. Meanwhile, you can
check out the website if you are so inclined.