Friday, June 05, 2015

Lunchtime for Us and the Heron

We were at our usual spot at Riverside Park, doing our usual thing of sitting and munching a light lunch, when something unusual occurred.

As I looked about 50' to my left, I spotted a Great Blue Heron. I don't always have my camera beside me because it seems that all of my pictures from here are the same. But I had it that day, picked it up and started shooting.

She or he was on the constant prowl for sustenance. ↓

S/he must have caught three or more fish while I was shooting.

In my first shots, the heron was still quite far away. My zoom barely reach it, and the exposure wasn't great, so I turned this photo into a highly silhouetted black and white.

While the bird started far to our left, it ended up going past us only about 10' away. S/he was totally unconcerned with the presence of two slow-legged humans nearby. It was a happily serendipitous experience. I'm glad I had my camera and that it had the right lens attached.


  1. It would have made my day watching it having lunch.

  2. I love to watch them fish- they really do focus hard.

  3. I love watching wildlife and love capturing its actions on camera.

  4. love these pterodactyls and their fishing abilities. i like that silhouette photo, too!

  5. Wow! I see lots of herons, but they NEVER let me get close like that. I'm so jealous!

  6. Such a beautiful heron, John. Did you see the one posted yesterday of the heron eating an eel? Pretty fascinating.

  7. At least you got some shots. I'm hardly ever ready...:)

  8. When I first read the intro, I wondered if your lunch might soon become the heron's as well, but seems he knew where to catch it fresh.

  9. A Great Blue Heron! I've seen a couple of less than great herons on the water next to our building. They're more greyish than blue and certainly not as big as the one you saw. Nonetheless, I have been delighted.

  10. Love the black and white version, AC. It looks like a chinese tapestry.

  11. I dream of being somewhere with my camera when a Great Blue Heron walks by so close!
