Wednesday, June 27, 2007

From Sweats to Sweat

What a treat to have my laptop open on my own desk and to be sitting in my good, old back-friendly chair. We got in late last night, but I was too stunned to do anything but hie to bed. But that was after a visit with the kids and the dear Smudge who was perhaps not quite herself after enduring a myriad of two-month inoculations yesterday.

In a not unexpected twist of irony, we woke up to absolutely beautiful weather in Vancouver yesterday and were able to see the mountains more clearly than ever before. That was after three solid weeks of cloud and rain, or so it seemed. But there wasn't much time to enjoy them. We headed to the airport at nine o'clock PDT (after an atrocious breakfast out, I might add), and didn't pull into the kids' place until until almost eleven o'clock EDT.

And was it ever steamy here!! Temperatures reached into the 90s — very humid 90s too. After three weeks of it barely being warm enough to remove jackets, I was soon peeling off my clothes in a frenzy. There was no tease to that strip, let me tell ya.

So yes, we went from sweats to sweat in a very short period of time. But it's still great to be home, at my own desk, with a company-starved cat by my side.

Cross-posted to Rambling and Roving, and if you haven't been there for a while, you'll find a few updates that are more pictures than words.


dmmgmfm said...

I'm sure your kitty was thrilled to have you home. Did it ignore you for a little while or launch right in for attention? Mine usually pretend they don't like me for a few minutes when I first come home.

KGMom said...

Welcome home--I am sure you are glad to be back.
Oh, of course the sun waits until the day you leave to make a full appearance. Thus it ever is.

PBS said...

Bet it's great to be back home to familiar comforts!

Linda said...

Welcome home!

We can experience those extreme temps in one day, in the same place. What a wonderful country we live in.

Bonita said...

I know you are glad to be home, and to see little Smudge. BTW, I'm used to dramatic weather, clouds and rain, so looks to me like you had a marvelous trip.

Kathy Trejo said...

Hi There! Its nice to take off and nice to come back home.Thats always been my experience. My husband and I will be leaving on a road trip next month...about two weeks in the hot desert. We are going through Texas and will be HOT.

nice to see you back :)

Kathy Trejo said...
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Dale said...

Welcome home, AC! And thanks for taking us along on your vacation. I had a great time, despite the rain.

Pam said...

Thanks for the vacation, AC, I had a great timt. Your floral photos were incredible and the colors amazing.