Monday, September 19, 2016

Tinged With Maybe Just A Touch of Regret

On my little strolls, I begin to notice tinges of colour. These photos are from one walk. Soon enough autumn will be in full gallop. We are probably only two weeks form the beginning of significant colour and three or four weeks until the peak and the subsequent diminishment.

But before we get to the tinges ...

... above and below are two snaps showing how low our water is running as a result of our droughtish conditions.

Above: you can pretty much see the more usual waterline in the boulders.

Below: you see much rock in this photo, but almost none of it is visible in a normal year.

Now for the tinges of colour but also the tinges of regret. There is anticipation of the autumn colours, but tinges of regret for the passing of summer and the coming of a very long winter. No further comment needed.


  1. I know! Ugh...not for the colour but for what is to follow!

  2. how pretty, but sorry for the drought. we're due to hit 98F again today in texas with 105 heat index.

  3. The autumn colors are my favorite

  4. We are still enjoying a lot of warm(ish) weather and sunshine, but autumn is definitely on its way over here as well. The trees are turning slowly and even if the days are warm, the nights do get colder. I can't imagine going back to Norway and even colder weather!

  5. We don't get a lot of color/autumn change, just a bit. However, we have mild winters, so I take it with a grain of salt. Enjoy your autumn. :)

  6. Your progress toward Autumn seems to be at the same stage as ours. And we too are in a drought, slightly relieved by a half inch of rain yesterday. Lovely pictures!

  7. You need rain. We finally got a little this past weekend. I look forward to the wet season and hope that you will get some moisture as well.

  8. It's beautiful isn't it though, when the season turns?

  9. I love the autumn colours, and they are gone so fast. Beautiful season. And yes the winter is long and cold but it too has a certain charm. Can't think right now what that charm is, but I'm sure there's something good about it. Oh yes, I know, I get to wear my new boots.

  10. I love seeing the start of your autumn colors. We're missing seeing them this year since we were on the mainland earlier in the summer.
