Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Taking Off

From the frequency or lack thereof of my posting this summer, you probably won't notice any difference, but we are going visiting for the next little while. For how long of a while we're not sure yet.

What we do know is that we're heading west on highway 7 to visit with Cuppa's brother tomorrow. From there we were going to visit daughter 2 on the weekend, but now we're not. We'll head to the cottage instead. We may stay for a few days, come back here for a few, and then visit daughter in Toronto, or we may stay at the cottage for about a week and go to Toronto from there.

Regardless, it rather looks like I won't get much if any posting done for the best part of two weeks. Sometimes, I post from the cottage, however, so we'll see. In any event, take care.


  1. Have a wonderful time!

  2. Of COURSE we'll notice. Do have a lovely and safe trip, and sneak online when/where you can to send out a Hello.

  3. 'Ditto' to all the above. Safe travels.

  4. Have a safe, fun trip. Yes, we notice!

  5. My readership just fell off by half!

    Have fun!

  6. I like your attitude - serendipidous, spontaneous, with just a touch of 'fare-thee-well'. Enjoy.

  7. Enjoy your time together but I will miss you.

    Who will make z fonnE fotoes wiz z fonnE chapouz for me?

  8. We'll notice. Have a great time.

  9. We will be here patiently waiting for your discriptions of the travels. ec

  10. Anonymous10:38 am

    Have a wonderful time. That is how summers are meant to be spent. :-)

  11. have a great trip
