Sunday, January 21, 2018

A January Sleepover

It's that time of year when life slows down, and there doesn't seem to be much to post. When it finally dawned on me that I have also been neglecting my blog reading, I posted one comment to the effect that I don't think I have been out of my small town all month. We did go into the outskirts of Ottawa for a movie, but that may have still been in December after Christmas. I forget.

Our daughter is off to Arizona this week on a work-related conference, and with JJ off at an out-of-town hockey tournament, we've had Danica for a sleepover. And that has yielded a few pictures that I can share.

She ended up on my lap and kind of took over the computer.

She made me watch a hockey video many times, I Can Make Your Hands Clap. It's cute and funny, so I have linked it for you. This has some relevance for later in this post.

Grandma braided her hair before we went out.

We headed to the library.

She decided that she wanted to do some searching on ancestry, so we booked a computer.

She spent a full hour just searching around the ancestry site and actually had it email some of her findings to me.

Then it was off to the coffee shop for lunch. Here we are clapping our hands as in the video that I mentioned above.

For some reason, she seems to grab my hat when we are at this place, and she did it this time too.

After we got home, I printed off some off the information she had forwarded from the library. Here she is relating some of the information to a generations picture gallery that I have.


Joanne Noragon said...

Danica rocks that hat. You and G'ma rock g'parenting. Keep warm.

Marie Smith said...

How lucky to have you girl for a few days! She’s growing up!

Kay said...

She is a gorgeous girl and I agree that the hat looks wonderful on her. Grandma did a great job on her braid.

Silver in AZ said...

what a lovely visit for all three of you! Thanks for sharing!

Tabor said...

This is such a wonderful relationship that you have and over the years as she changes and moves on with her life, these threads will always be there. You are a very lucky grandpa.

Mage said...

You have so much fun with your camera. She is a delightful model, and I am swept away with the wonderful family relationships you have.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You and Sue truly have a wonderful and loving relationship with Danica and J.J. and all are much the richer for these bonds. And, indeed, she wears your hat well!

Debbie said...

wow!! they are so very lucky to have you guys. i missed out on this!!!

Jenn Jilks said...

She is so cute!