Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Productive Snow Day

Due to the weather and a hard night with Nikki Dee, Thesha booked the day off. Good Neighbour (from last year) also showed up to clear the driveway, thus freeing me to enjoy a productive day. To wit: my Christmas letter hath been authored, and it and the cards and a photo are sealed in envelopes and waiting to be mailed. Phew!


Amanda said...

I just love a productive day ~ it feels great getting things done. And i just love the little ones pictures from your previous post, she is so sweet. I remember playing with my Grans wooden spoons when i was little.
I was having a look at your weather report on your Blog ~ 1 F! I have never felt it as cold as that in my life!!! I think i would have to hibernate with temps like that :-)

Woman in a Window said...

Musta been a really hard night to take the day off. Ugh, I remember those but now I slug myself in regardless.

Christmas cards ready. I'm afraid we can no longer speak.

methatiam said...

Personally, I prefer days that are completly non productive. Hot coffee, good book, big chair.

no suprise then that I dont get Christmas cards sent out at all?

Mary said...

What a lovely gesture by your neighbor. I looked at last year's post and I think she has a lot of fun doing this and it definitely gives her neighbors a break. Such a simple thing but it sure means a lot to those on the receiving end.

I enjoyed the post below and the photos of ND. She is just a couple months younger than my great-nephew and she's a dear. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. I got a kick out of her eating with the wooden spoon.


Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I am glad your good neighbour still has pity on you.

It is good to work to your strengths (writing letters). I had a gentleman farmer friend/writer who paid someone to cut his hay because "it is easier for me to make the money to pay them by spending the afternoon writing a magazine article."

Jane said...

Good job done! I've just finished mine too. Feels good, doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

I can so appreciate how Christmas stuff gets put on the back burner with grandbabies to care for. :-). Glad to hear you enjoyed a make-up day. I could use one here as well. :-)

Dale said...

Uh-oh. I knew I forgot to do something. Better get going if I want my cards out before Valentine's Day.
But just in case ... Happy Valentine's Day, AC!

Ginnie said...

Good for you on keeping up the tradition of actual Christmas cards put in actual envelopes and mailed. I love to get them... much more than the impersonal email ones.

Lorna said...

Is it December already?

Kila said...

Good for you. A productive day is satisfying. Yay for getting the cards done! I always send out cards with letters and photos, but I don't think it'll happen this year.

Pearl said...

good job! I like the steady work of doing a Christmas mailing. I get back half of what I send but the pleasure's the giving.

Anonymous said...

Long time no visit, glad you all seem to well.
Good job getting everything done, so, Santa has his list then....
*fingers crossed* :o)
Have you been a good boy?
(Christmas wishes from the heart to you all!)